Celebrity Astrologers -Santosh Pandurang Deuskar - Ganeshaspeaks.com

Celebrity Astrologers -Santosh Pandurang Deuskar - Ganeshaspeaks.com
Celebrity Astrologers - Santosh Pandurang Deuskaru - Ganeshaspeaks.com

Friday, August 13, 2010

Nag Panchami - protects you from venomous elements for 7 generations

In the land of snake-charmers - India, Nag Panchami is a festival, which is observed in major parts of the country. Celebrated on 'Panchami' or the fifth lunar day of the bright fortnight in the holy month of Shravan, this festival celebrates the worshiping of serpents or 'Naag' with white lotuses. People make snakes out of clay, giving them different forms and colours. These serpent models are placed on a dais and offered milk. In some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka, there are permanent temples of Serpent-Gods and a special pooja is performed with pomp and grandeur. There is a special importance of snake-charmers too on this day, as they are offered milk and money. Digging of earth is strictly forbidden on this day. In West Bengal, the Hindus worship 'Devi Manasha' with 'Ashta Naag', the Snake-Goddess on this tithi.

Naag Panchami Vrat or fast is observed on the Panchami of bright half of the month of Shravan. According to Garuda Puran, paintings of 'Naag' should be drawn on either side of the entrance (of the home) and worshipped. This is also known as 'Bhitti Chitre Naag Puja'. Women offer food, laddoos and kheer (typical dish made with the mixture of rice, milk and sugar) to Brahmins. Similar food is also offered to snakes and snake charmers.

There are many stories behind the observance of Naag Panchami. The story mentioned below may interest you!

Once upon a time there lived a peasant who had two sons and one daughter. One day, while the peasant was ploughing the field, the plough ran over three baby snakes, eventually killing them. On seeing the death of her sons, the mother serpent lamented her sons' death and decided to take revenge on the peasant. In the middle of the night, when the peasant and his family were asleep, the mother-serpent entered their house and bit the peasant, his wife and two sons. As a result, all of them died except the daughter. Next morning mother-serpent again entered the house to kill the peasant's daughter. She was very intelligent and hence, to propitiate the mother-snake offered her a bowlful of milk, and with folded hands requested her to forgive her father for the death of her beloved sons. She welcomed the serpent and asked it to forgive her parents. Mother serpent was very pleased by this gesture and brought back to life the peasant, his wife and two sons whom she bit the previous night. Also, mother serpent gave blessings with a promise that on Shravan Shukla Panchami, the women who will worship a snake shall be protected for seven generations.

That was the day of Nag Panchami, and since then snakes are worshipped to avoid snake bites. This year, Nag Panchami falls on 12th August, 2017 (Saturday). This tithi is also celebrated as 'Kalki Jayanti'. On this special day, people influenced by Kaal Sarpa Dosha of Rahu and Ketu should also worship 'Ashta Naag' with 'Sarpa Sutra' and 'Naag Gayatri' to get rid of ill effects of this Dosha.

Naag Gayatri Mantra:

Om Navkullaya Vidmahe
Vishdantaaye Dhimahee
Tanno Sarpah Prachodayat.

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