Celebrity Astrologers -Santosh Pandurang Deuskar - Ganeshaspeaks.com

Celebrity Astrologers -Santosh Pandurang Deuskar - Ganeshaspeaks.com
Celebrity Astrologers - Santosh Pandurang Deuskaru - Ganeshaspeaks.com

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Celebrate Putrada Ekadashi to protect your child from all evil

Celebrate Putrada Ekadashi to protect your child from all evil

The eleventh day in the bright fortnight of the month of Paush is observed as ?Putrada Ekadashi?. Women who desire for a son, observe this Vrata. They pray to God and request him to protect their children from all evil.

There is a legend behind the celebration of Putrada Ekadashi. Once there was a man named Suketu. He lived with his wife Saivyaa. They had no children. But the disheartened couple was eager to have a son. Suketu was so depressed that he once decided to commit suicide. With a heavy heart, he left his house and went to a forest to end his life. He walked for miles. With no food or water for a long time, he was exhausted and could walk no more. He then decided to rest under a tree. He was pondering over his hard luck when he heard a Rishi reciting Vedic hymns. Suketu decided to trace the sound.

He reached a beautiful lake, on the banks of which he saw a Brahmin reciting the Vedic hymns. Paying obeisance to the sage, he sat there listening to the hymns. After the Brahmin concluded his recitation, Suketu told the sage why he had come to the forest. The Sage advised him to go back and observe 'Putrada Ekadashi' along with his wife.

Suketu did just as he was told. He went home and observed the Vrata along with his wife Saivyaa, with due solemnity. In course of time, he was blessed with a son. Since then this Vrata has become prevalent in the society.

In the south Indian states, this Ekadashi is known as Vaikuntha Ekadashi. This year the Vrata falls on 28th December. Putrada Ekadashi should be observed by every parent to ensure good health, wealth, happiness and welfare of his/her children.

With Ganesha's grace
Dr. Surendra Kapoor
Celebrity Astrologer

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